This tool will allow you to mod FIFA 17, 18, 19 and 20 files and textures:
Here are the features of the latest version:
- Added Battelfield: Hardline profile
- Fix for FIFA20 launching issues
- Added Plants vs Zombies: Battle for Neighbourville Read Only profile
- Added the ability to update a games profile SDK when the game is updated
- Export settings for meshes will now remember the last skeleton used
- Added the ability to select the render device the viewport will use (From options)
- Added the ability to merge ShaderBlockDepot changes from multiple mods
- Fixed issue with exporting BFV meshes with skeletons
- Mod manager will now show legacy file changes by name (rather than random chunk ids)
- Mod manager will also show assets being merged (via the conflicts tab)
- Added FIFA20 full profile
- Updated SDK for SWBF2
- Updated SDK for BFV
- Updated SDK for Anthem
- Fixed crash when attempting to load meshes in BFV
- Added filtering to the property grid. Can filter by property name or by an internal/external guid
- Fixed an issue where newer format EBX were not rewriting correctly
- Fixed an issue where the editor would crash when trying to display an invalid reference
- Fixed some more reference assigning issues
- Fix for legacy db changes causing game to crash in Madden20
- Fix for crashing when attempting to edit network registry assets
- Small fix for ShaderBlockDepot boolean edits
- Fix for extra / detection in duplicate asset filename
- Added Madden20 full profile
- Added Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare read only profile
- Added the ability to add and remove new root level instances to an ebx (via the View Instances dialog)
- Added the ability to rename and duplicate instances via same dialog
- Added the ability to copy and paste objects and arrays
- Added the ability to duplicate an asset (and change its type) comes with a long list of caveats
- Modifying mesh materials and object variations in SWBF2 will now update the appropriate ShaderBlockDepot files
- Added more inline classes to SWBF2 profile
- Fixed crash that would result when you saved at the same time an autosave was being performed
- Fixed an issue that would result in the pitch in FIFA19 appearing white (as well as potentially other bundle related issues)
- Fixed a couple of type info generation related issues for Mass Effect
- Fixed an issue where the PointerRef dropdown box would appear cut off, not allowing you to scroll all the way to the bottom
- Fixed setting a shader to null in a mesh material would result in a crash
- Fix to numerous assets not being able to be opened
- Fix for indexing assets after patch causing Frosty to crash with Anthem
- ResMeta now exported along with res (first 0x10 bytes) and imported
- Fix to 2gb limit on chunk based superbundles
- Fixed issue with inserted items appearing in incorrect locations
- Fixed importing mods made in a prior patch causing error/crash
- Fixed saving project with kit previewer open crashing
- Fixed crash when exporting skinned meshes from Anthem
- Fixed sound continuing to play when using the close all documents command
- Added a menu option to close all documents
- Added a reference viewer, allowing the user to see where an asset is referenced and what it references
- Added a bundle reference viewer, allowing the user to see what bundles an asset is in (was previously a right click to log option)
- Added read only profile for Anthem
- Added read only profile for Battlefield V
- Added profile for Need for Speed Rivals
- Added read only profile for Need for Speed Online
- Added an experimental kit previewer for Fifa
- Added the ability to bookmark legacy items
- Added a few legacy asset editors/viewers (DB, DDS, BIG, AST, etc.)
- Added a shader compilation system for the renderer allowing the end user to author their own shaders to use in place of the built in shader
- Added experimental resource explorer, allowing the exporting and importing of raw res and chunk files
- Added experimental localized string viewer with the ability to export all strings and ids to a csv file (no editing)
- Added experimental ebx export to xml (found under tools)
- Added discord RPC functionality
- Added mod category grouping to the mod manager
- Added a linear transform editor that shows the position, rotation (as Yaw/Pitch/Roll) and scale
- Added a patch summary window when a game has been updated showing which files have been added/modified/removed
- Added profile selection window to mod manager
- Added an options window for configuring some basic Frosty options
- Added the ability to view texture and variation db locations for each variation of a mesh material
- Added FIFA19 full profile (editing now enabled)
- Added a new skeleton picker (allows filtering and folders)
- Added a branch tree view for conversations in DAI, MEA and Anthem, allowing the user to access previously inaccessible items
- Exporting a composite mesh will now export any embedded composite part transforms
- Improved start times of the application and apply times for most games
- Moved legacy viewer for Fifa/Madden to the same location as the data explorer with a menu item to switch between the two
- Revamped the property grid, allowing for increased functionality
- Revamped the mesh renderer, better rendering, and more responsive
- Fixed the save on close prompt, will cancel the close request if the user clicks the x instead of Yes or No
- Fixed affected files listing freezing up the UI when mods have thousands of edited files
- Fixed a crash when exporting uncompressed volume textures as non DDS formats
- Fixed FIFA19 meshes exporting incorrectly
- Updated SDKs to the latest patch version
- Added a read-only FIFA19 profile
- Added Cubemap/Volume and Texture array import support
- Fixed a crash when viewing specific SWBF2 models
- Mouse over effects on list/tree controls now more consistent
- Fixed an issue where PVZ2 changes would cause the game to crash
- Added Madden NFL 19 profile
- Added PvZ Garden Warfare 2 profile
- Added Battlefield 1 profile
- Added a screen to show mod conflicts in the mod manager
- Fixed numerous frosty window issues and enabled DPI support
- Out of date mods will now show a warning on import and are flagged via a warn symbol
- Fixed crash with NFS16 and DAI when initially loading the data
- Potentially fixed corrupted textures in DAI when using daimods
- Fixed an issue where legacy file changes in Fifa/Madden were not being applied correctly on project load
- Fixed some 7z mod import issues
- Fixed the modding process for Star Wars: Battlefront II after the latest patch changed the layout
- Added taskbar progress to all tasks with a progress bar
- Fixed issue with new projects with no modifications were being autosaved
- Config selection at launch
- SVG Preview/Import/Export
- AtlasTexture Preview/Import/Export
- DelayLoadBundle explorer for DAI
- IES Preview
- NFS Payback support
- Dialog paths saved to INI
- New mod export window
- Mod settings saved to project, mod author can also be set in INI to be used as default using category ModSettings and key Author
- Various prompts to save project if unsaved
- Autosave with options settable in INI using category Autosave and keys MaxCount and Period
- Various UI tweaks
- Auto hash text entered into int/uint fields and convert from hex if starting with 0x
- Ebx writing speed improvements per change
- Using actual Frostbite BRDF’s in mesh preview renderer
- Some classes now have descriptions
- Saving project will correctly update open tab headers
- Copy/Paste for property grid for all basic object types
- Insert and RemoveAll added to list context menu
- daimod files can be imported and configured via Frosty Mod Manager
- Variation database now only loads when opening a mesh for the first time (speeds up initial loading)
- Prompt appears when opening an asset, instead of freezing UI on large assets
- Data is accessible and editable while the game is running
- “Find in Data Explorer” will now clear the Search Filter
- You can now double click a class to create it in the Class Selection window
- Filter auto focused on class selection window open
- Improvements to texture import logic
- Added bookmark folders
- Added bookmark renaming
- Added Fifa18 game profile
- Added scrollable tab control for the main tab panel (instead of stacking)
- Added custom splash screen banners for each supported game
- Added new task dialog, provides more feedback during import/export activities
- Added new view modes for mesh preview (Base/Specular color, Normals, MaterialAO, Smoothness, Metallic, Reflectance, Reflections and Ambient)
- Changes to mesh materials are now reflected dynamically in render viewport (For tints/colors that have been implemented in the shader)
- Rendering improvements across all games (except NFS). Preview should now reflect game rendering more closely.
- Fixed numerous issues with composite mesh previews and mesh preview state
- Fixed sound preview to disable export/play buttons on unsupported sounds, and correctly reports sound has been exported
- Moved back to v1.0.2b bcrypt.dll until issues can be resolved properly
Download fix for FIFA 18
You need to replace “bcrypt.dll” file into “FrostyModManager_v1.0.3alpha4\ThirdParty” folder and in your FIFA 18 directory folder. Afterwards, you need to replace “initfs_Win32” file into “FIFA 18\Patch” folder.
- Fixed bcrypt.dll compilation issues
- Fixed issue with DAI infinite load when a specific bundle was edited
- Fixed issue with DAI and insufficient memory, attempting to load localized texts
- Fixed crash with previewing and exporting meshes in SWBF and Fifa17
- Fixed out of date SDK used in MEA
- Disabled non working import button from sounds
- Packaged fifaconfig workaround with editor
Frosty Editor
- Fixed an issue with compressing certain files (Compression Failed error)
- LZ4 compression now used to compress data for games that use it (MEC, SWBF)
- Drastically reduced time and storage capacity it take to apply mods for all games
- Implemented new texture formats for preview and export
- Added Searching/Filtering of assets in the data explorer
- Added the ability to save bookmarks
- Added more advanced asset editing capabilities, including class instantiation, and removing elements from the middle of arrays
- Added mesh 3d preview (import to come)
- Added sound preview and export (import to come)
- Added lua asset editing (with lua compilation if required)
- Added support for DragonAge, NeedForSpeed, Fifa17
- Added rudimentary legacy file editing support for Fifa17
Frosty Mod Manager
- LZ4 compression now used to compress data for games that use it (MEC, SWBF)
- Drastically reduced time and storage capacity it take to apply mods for all games
- Numerous other bug fixes
Tool made by GalaxyMan2015