International Face Pack Update V.18

nimnim is back with another great face pack! He made 22 new faces for the next players:

– Baines Leighton (Everton)
– Beckham David (LA Galaxy)
– Contento Diego (Bayern Munich)

– Casillas (Real Madrid)
– Xabi Alonso (Real Madrid)
– Cristiano Ronaldo (Real Madrid)
– Fábio Coentrão (Real Madrid)
– Granero (Real Madrid)
– El Shaarawy Stephan (AC Milan)
– Falcao (Atletico Madrid)
– Ganso (Santos)
– Hamšik Marek (Napoli)
– van der Wiel Gregory (Ajax)
– Hazard Eden (Chelsea)
– Raúl Meireles (Chelsea)
– Jones Phil (Manchester United)
– João Moutinho (FC Porto)
– Karagounis Giorgios (Panathinaikos)
– Messi Lionel (Barcelona)
– Motta Thiago (PSG)
– Obraniak Ludovic (Bordeaux)
– Pepe Reina (Liverpool)

 Note: Now inside the Read Me file you can find the special codes to install this face pack with Revolution Mod 12!


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Author: nimnim

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12 years ago

Thx a lot, especially for those players who so far were “faceless” like Meireles, Baines and Obraniak!:)

12 years ago

caleijon, varane please!

12 years ago

all the face packs are working with CRLP12?

12 years ago

Hi. I hope someone could help me.
I have Fifa 12+Euro 2012+Zlatan87 Superpatch 2.0 installed and after 3 hours I’m still unable to patch players faces.

1) I downloaded and installed International Face Pack Update from vol 6 to 18, just from the exe.
2) I downloaded and installed euro 2012 facepack from another user.
3) I regenerated all trough Fifa12 i68Regenerator 2.1.1 (I set the game folder for the operations to c\…\Fifa12).
4) I downloaded and installed Revolution Mod 12 and I regenerated again.
5) I edited the player.lua file with all the codes from vol 6 to 18 + the ones from the euro 2012 facepack and I saved the file.
6) The faces are still the same.

Thanks in advance to anyone who would help me.

p.s: I tried also to run the i68Regenerator as Administrator.

12 years ago

Hey guys, this facepack is awesome; really you’ve been putting a lot of effort in it and so far it turned up very good. I have one question though: Why is Ronaldo’s face black from distance?( I mean the default camera view) I have this problem with Casillas too and Di Maria (previous pack I think) it looks kinda -.. weird and it’s annoying seeing Ronaldo with a black head and a mohawk haircut..