FIFA 12 GFX Pack

This GFX pack will improve the GFX quality of FIFA 12.

The pack features:

– 32 High Quality Teksture Face
– Sweat Effect latest models
– New FIFA 12 color
– New Grass model
– Graphic Quality FIFA 12 better without sacrificing too many PC specifications
– Staining regulated better and brighter, we use new ENB pallete for this update, use other ENB setting if your screen not looking better wth this ENB
– You will see the actual figure of the players who featured in the game FIFA 12.
– Import the image of the screenshot will appear more clearly as is usually made ??for the game Wallpapers. Use a good tool for that.
– Grass, Kit & other model in FIFA 12 more bright and comfortable in a vision
– Anti-aliasing improvements to FIFA 12, in other words the object of the game will look better (to active it change “EnableProxyLibrary=0” in the ENBseries.ini=1)
– Another effect is the muscles around the neck and hand the player’s more visible when the game is being emotional, but… we do not give too much effect, because we do not want characters in FIFA 12 instead like a zombie .. arrrgh !!!!!


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Author: Editing Generation

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