Hey all!
I am happy to present to you Women’s Football Patch 14, the first ever women’s football mod for FIFA 14 as far as I’m aware.
This is a beta version, so please report any errors or bugs you might encounter.
– 14 women’s national teams made of every single female starhead ever made for FIFA (225)
– official EA ratings and stats
– fantasy female referees with specific faces
– kits, fonts, adboards, balls, boots, banners updated as of 2021-22
– minifaces for all players
– WWC 2019 logos for all teams
– working commentary for players who have it
– working national anthems (except China and Canada because EA) and chants
Known issues:
– some teams have placeholder male GK players just to fill the bench (shirt numbers 40+)
– female body models are not perfect (anyone is welcome to make a better one)
– goalkeepers don’t have gloves (anyone is welcome to adjust the gkglove model)
– some first names are incorrect
– referee cards are invisible (idk why)
– only the English language is guaranteed to work
– some teams have blue-and-green subs models due to lack of outfield subs
– Kika van Es of Netherlands is using the face of Claire Emslie of Scotland
Awesome people who helped and made this possible:
@Rinaldo, @scouser09, @HarryBullZak, @Dmitri, @tokke001, @Skoczek, @Masterleo10, @GIGGIRIVA,
@valambrosio2, @moldoioan, @Evgeninho69, @ArmanJnsr, @Gamer_KR1925, @jamesblake and everyone else whose graphics are used but whose names I might not know.
Download and enjoy!
Don’t sell this in any form or hide under other ad links anywhere.