Revolution DB Master 19

Rinaldo has returned for FIFA 19 with a new tool called Revolution DataBase Master 19 in collaboration with Fidel aka Doctor+ Productions.

This tool is very similar in functions with the old Internal Master and allows you do edit the database tables present in the FIFA 19 career and tournament files.

Remember that this is a Beta version and some functions may have issues!

Please note that in the templates folder of the program you can find a FIFA.xml file containing some db values and their functions but it’s not complete. You can contribute by sharing other unknown values and functions in the comments of on our forums.


This software is shared for free and is for non-commercial use only. Using this software to release materials/mods and put them behind a paywall or similar services is strictly forbidden and copyright law will be applied when an infringement is made.

Tutorial on How to Mod FIFA 19 with RDBM19


Always run the tool as admin, or edit RDBM19.exe property to always run as admin to avoid file’s write issues.
The issue will be fixed in the next build.

Edit/change you career mode Manager headid

Mod example (already started career mode):
Run RDBM, open your Career* file:
click DB2, browse/select manager table, edit everything you want and then click save.
In this case I’ve just edited the career mode manager headid to 6235.
In my private mod I’ve also adjusted the eyecolorcode to 3 (Nedved Light Blue), to make it more realistic.
Or just copy/check out full values from Nedved Icon player (as example).

PS: in the manager table the tool don’t recognize color codes into the intelliedit help,
just go in players table and you can see revealed the color to assign, or other values you need.

Just load patched career mode, effect in game:

Backup file of you source career mode is: “_#_CMFileName” ,
file number _#_ progressively increases with save button in the same editing session.
If you click save but you are wrong you can easy recovery previous backup version.

Edit youth players attributes in the career mode

Step 1 – in DB 1 – check for youthplayers ids in order to edit, copy the id

Step 2 – in DB2 – players table – select playerid clolumn (as example click into the first value, which is 16 in almost every db)
search for interested id and then edit your player (s).
And yes, if required you can finally fix youth players first/last nameid.

Enable Starheads

You already started the career mode and do you like to add/enable stars faces update made by EA in latest Squads?

As example how to enable Rugani new star face in the career mode started before the update (switch from generic to custom face)

Step 1 – Search for Rugani id 211320

Step 2 – edit like the pic –
hashighqualityhead to 1
headclasscode to 0 (Specific)

Save and enjoy.

Release History

– 23/12/2018 – Beta 1

Career Mode Compatible Auto Install PC Compatible Win10 Compatibility


Report Missing File !

Author: Rinaldo