FIFA 20 Banner And Flag Generator v.1.0

This generator will allow you to create your own personalized banners and flags for FIFA 20 in a matter of minutes.

The generator was created for those who have little or no experience with Photoshop or similar graphic design softwares.

The download includes the banners and flag generators.


The generator works with any version of Photoshop that supports the smart object feature.

Simply open the generator psd file and replace the crests, colors and texts via the smart object function.

For more details on how the generator works please check this video tutorial:

TIP: Never use bright colors or full black, otherwise the banner/flag texture shadows won’t be very detailed! Instead of full black always use the 70/70/70 rgb code when assigning the color.


You are allowed to release the resulting banners and flags from this generator with or without attributions.
Permission to use this generator is forbidden if the end product from this tool has limited access or is monetized in any way.


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Author: Damien

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Co-Founder of FIFA Infinity, Graphic Designer and Modder in spare time.
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