Paulv2k4 FIFA 21 Career Realism Mod v.2.4

This is an Alpha Legacy Mod version of the Career Realism Mod. Many improvements are on their way.


Current Features

Match simulation, League table and Goal Scorers

  • Top teams will win the league with realistic points & goals scored / conceeded. For example. The Premier League top 2 teams tend to be Liverpool and Manchester City with a mix of Manchester United and Chelsea trying their best to enter into it. (This can change after these teams transfer players)
  • Bottom teams get relegated with realistic points. For example. The Premier League tends to use 35 points as a safety net. In all of my tests. The teams relegated were around this mark.
  • Teams goals scored properly reflect their attackers ability. For example Swansea City have a poor attack, so they score considerably less than say Norwich or Brentford but their good OVR / defence helps them get up the table
  • Top scorers and assisters are more based on attributes that the real life players have, therefore are realistic


  • Transfer Budgets
    • Substantially lowered the amount of transfer budget smaller teams have to be far more realistic
      • This in turn, helps the AI Transfer Market become more realistic
  • Currency Conversion
    • Currency conversions based on 19th March 2021 rate. GBP to EUR = 1.17, GBP to USD = 1.39 (This is updated with each patch)
  • Significantly reduced money earned from Season Tickets. The reason behind this is that there is no option for me to reduce how much the board gives you from this, which means you obtain around 50-60% of the income into your transfer budget. This breaks the starting budget I give the user within 4 weeks of the start of the season. So the only option is reduce the amount “earned”.
  • Reduced Stadium Maintenance for larger stadiums which was making teams paying far too much.
  • Reduced starting budget for many top teams to reflect what was spent by these teams after the first window of 2020/2021 season. I based this off An example is Liverpool only spent around 50m after selling their own players.
  • Significantly reduced money you get back from selling a player. This is determined by the team’s “profitability” rating. This is much more like Football Manager now, where the board is very likely to take a significant chunk of your earnings. Please be very careful when selling players.
  • Significantly reduced money you receive when going into the next season. You start with around same money as the first, it is unrealistic for you to get another 100m boost on top of that from season 2 onwards.
  • Reduced money earned from Shirt Sales
  • Slightly increased money earned from Match Tickets


  • Loans
    • Adjusted loans so there are no more unrealistic random loans
  • Nationalities
    • English players very rarely leave England
    • Player movement between countries is based upon real-world data of player nationalities in each league
  • Free Agents
    • Free Agents wont just play for any team, there will be no more picking up gems from the Free Agent market with a poor team
  • AI Transfers
    • The AI will actively replace all lost players
    • The AI will always want to improve their team
    • The AI is much less likely to stack in a position
    • Lower end players will now move much more often

Player Search – GTN

  • Searching for players now reveals attributes much faster
  • GTN and Scouting find players much more suited to your team. No longer will an English League 2 team find Sergio Aguero in their scout list!

Player Values

  • Player Potential (young players who future stars are expensive)
  • Player Values have been adjusted to be more like

Player Growth

  • Dynamic Potential is not used as much and not as high
  • Growth curve completely rewritten so all players do not overgrow and degrade slowly
  • Player attribute growth affects all attributes for all players


  • Training no longer affects happiness
  • A rest day now recovers much more fitness and reduces sharpness much more
  • A training day now increases sharpness much more
  • All Development Plans no longer increase attributes so quickly
  • Balanced Development Plan is no longer the “best” option for all players
  • Added new Development Plans
    • Physical Play – Training up the player’s physical attributes
    • Defensive Situations – Training up the player’s defensive attributes
    • Set Pieces – Training up the player’s free kick, corner and penalty attributes (the attributes EA use for these)
    • Heading – Training up the player’s jumping and heading attributes
    • Attacking Movement – Training up the player’s movement and reactions attributes
    • Finishing – Training up the player’s shooting attributes
    • Passing – Training up the player’s passing attributes

Youth System

  • You will have 16 players in your youth team to start a Career
  • Generated Youth players rating are much more appropriate to the level and you will now longer be able to build a super Youth Team in the 1st season

Career Hub

  • The Main UI of the Career Mode now has Kit Numbers and Injury list in the Squad Tab

Form and Sharpness

  • Form and team league position has much more of an affect on your and AI players (players can now lose 10 points of an attribute due to form)
  • Sharpness has been balanced so AI are affected with the same modifier as the User (50)


How to install

1) Download Paulv2k4 FIFA 21 Modding Tool
2) Download this Mod and extract the .lmod to any location
3) Launch Paulv2k4 FIFA 21 Modding Tool EXE
4) Click Launcher
5) Click Browse FIFA
6) Browse to find your FIFA21.exe (By default this is in – C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\FIFA21)
7) Click Import
8) Browse to the extracted .lmod file and select (It should now appear in the list)
9) Click Launch (Wait 1 minute for initial startup and FIFA should load)


How do I find out it is working?

Start a new Career mode. If Newport County (In English League 2) has around 100k transfer budget, the mod is loaded.


Can I use this on an existing career?





Alpha 7/9

  • Theme and Colours
    • Converted the main theme to be “black and white” and officially “dark mode”
    • Added new bootflow images
  • Transfers
    • A small tweak based on new findings to ensure the AI replaces sold players and fills missing squad slots
  • Player Conversation and Press Conferences
    • Made a start to adjusting the answers so they are much less obvious and can be good or bad depending on the player’s personality

Alpha 5/6

  • System
    • Converted mod over to fbmod (no more issues with legacy injection)
  • Player Form
    • CPU and User team form are now calculated the same way (based off past 5 matches, instead past 10)
    • Redesigned form table so that Career Mode matches are harder but reflect the league table much better

Alpha 4

  • Transfers
    • Improved transfer algorithm so that more players will transfer at all leagues
    • You get more loan transfers received if you are a Premier League team
  • Player Retirement
    • Rewritten player retirement algorithm so old players will always retire, no matter their age or OVR (this will stop Buffon reaching 50+)
  • AI player retention and recruitment
    • Teams now try and keep a full squad of at least 25 players
    • The free agent pool no longer attempts to keep hold of 40 players (reduced significantly as this makes no sense)
    • Teams now try and keep 3 GK in their ranks
  • Transfers
    • Improved transfer algorithm so that more players will transfer at all leagues
    • You get more loan transfers received if you are a Premier League team
  • Player Retirement
    • Rewritten player retirement algorithm so old players will always retire, no matter their age or OVR (this will stop Buffon reaching 50+)
  • AI player retention and recruitment
    • Teams now try and keep a full squad of at least 25 players
    • The free agent pool no longer attempts to keep hold of 40 players (reduced significantly as this makes no sense)
    • Teams now try and keep 3 GK in their ranks

Alpha 3

  • Transfers
    • Fixed issues with the AI not keeping old or replacing Goalkeepers and Strikers
  • Match Simulation
    • Increased the importance of OVR slightly to stop “high prestige” teams getting promoted so easily

Alpha 2

  • All Development Plans attributes now develop significantly slower
  • Balanced Development Plan is no longer the “best” option for all players
  • Added new Development Plans
    • Physical Play – Training up the player’s physical attributes
    • Defensive Situations – Training up the player’s defensive attributes
    • Set Pieces – Training up the player’s free kick, corner and penalty attributes (the attributes EA use for these)
    • Heading – Training up the player’s jumping and heading attributes
    • Attacking Movement – Training up the player’s movement and reactions attributes
    • Finishing – Training up the player’s shooting attributes
    • Passing – Training up the player’s passing attributes

Patch 1
Remove team logos and icons from lmod to ensure better compatibility with mod pack and licensing mods


AI Tiredness
For all those asking about the AI teams being tired. I have found the bug and fixed it.

Not enough AI v AI simulated games have scores above 2-0
This has been changed, some games can now reach 5-0. It is now much more random. So, there are occasions where 0-0 occur.

Lower leagues have too many draws
This has balanced so it occurs much less.

Lower leagues over scoring or reaching over 100 goals per season
This has been balanced so it occurs much less.

Chelsea never reaching the top 4
This has been linked to the issues above. In 10 test runs, they reached the top 4, 7 times after these changes were made.

Simulated Injuries
Injuries in simulated matches are now much more likely to occur

Other team sheets
The other team sheets button now works

Known un-fixable issues
Spurs always do well. As we all know Spurs are crap and don’t win anything but in the game their players are all over rated. As the game simulation is based on OVR more than anything else, they always do well.

Alpha 10

Manager AI – Team Selection
– Fixed a bug that was stopping some top teams from selecting their top goalkeepers
– Improved rotation of the top players in the top leagues

– Improved top player transfers due the reduced values and reduced finances

Player Values
– Reduced some top player values whilst keeping the prices paid by the user and AI higher than the value (this helps with AI transfers)
– Some further tweaks the low player values

Alpha 9

– Reduced the quality of player teams like Everton, Arsenal and Leicester are able to obtain
– Increased amount of loans by AI


– Significantly reduced money earned from Season Tickets. The reason behind this is that there is no option for me to reduce how much the board gives you from this, which means you obtain around 50-60% of the income into your transfer budget. This breaks the starting budget I give the user within 4 weeks of the start of the season. So the only option is reduce the amount “earned”.
– Reduced Stadium Maintenance for larger stadiums which was making teams paying far too much.
– Reduced starting budget for many top teams to reflect what was spent by these teams after the first window of 2020/2021 season. I based this off An example is Liverpool only spent around 50m after selling their own players.
– Significantly reduced money you get back from selling a player. This is determined by the team’s “profitability” rating. This is much more like Football Manager now, where the board is very likely to take a significant chunk of your earnings. Please be very careful when selling players.
– Significantly reduced money you receive when going into the next season. You start with around same money as the first, it is unrealistic for you to get another 100m boost on top of that from season 2 onwards.
– Slightly reduced money earned from Shirt Sales
– Slightly increased money earned from Match Tickets

Alpha 7
– Changed currency conversion rate to GBP = 1.0, GBP -> EUR = 1.17, GBP -> USD = 1.37
– Changed form settings so games properly reflect team form and league position

Alpha 6
– Improve AI transferring of low OVR players

Alpha 5
– Improved match simulation logic to stop teams like PSG, Barcelona and Bayern Munich winning the league without defeat. This is likely the most balanced I can get this for the year.
– Improved AI transfer searching so you can now loan players out to lower leagues and as a lower league team, you can sell or loan out your players.
– Rebalanced the Youth System so a lower league team does not get an entire youth team of players with over 80 potential. – Added a “Press Start” placeholder graphic
– Lots of micro changes that you’d hardly notice


For more updates on the mod please check this twitter page.


Career Mode Compatible Compatible With Saved CM Manual Install Not Online Compatible PC Compatible Win10 Compatibility


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Author: paulv2k4

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