Hello! This time I’m going to tackle the Palestinian West Bank Premier League! (2020-21)
This mod took a bit of time, because I’m a bit too busy these days and what’s more, it’s been a while since I last made a mod
(I’ve lost control a bit)
But here we are! The mod is finally finished! Enjoy playing in Palestine with the national team and league teams you can find there!
Here are the available clubs, all teams of West Bank Premier League:
- Jabal Al-Mukaber
- Hilal Al-Quds
- Ahli Al-Khaleel
- Shabab Al-Dhahiriya
- Tubas SC
- Thaqafi Tulkarem
- Shabab Al-Samu
- Taraji Wadi Al-Nes
- Shabab Al-Khaleel
- Markaz Shabab Al-Am’ari
- Shabab Al-Khader SC
- Markaz Balata
- Al-Bireh Institute
This mod supports English, French and Arabic
This is the final vers ionof the mod, maybe there will be some patch in the future, ENJOY!
1. Download the mod file and the squad file found on this page. (Server 1 is a squad file, Alternative is a mod itself)
2. Place the mod file in the FIFA Mod Manager
3. Place the squad file in Settings folder of FIFA 22 in your Documents/FIFA22/Settings
4. Launch the game using Mod Manager
5. Once you are in game, go to Customize, then click on Settings, then click on Load Squads and select Palestine West Bank League squad file.