FIFA-Infinity proudly presents one of the best addons ever created for FIFA. CRLP (Complete Romanian League Patch) is a stunning addon which introduces the first Romanian League, “Liga 1 Bergenbier” in your favorite game.The first volume of CRLP will bring the main features of the romanian championship in FIFA 11, plus many new key additions, in order to make sure your experience is unique. Embark on a 15 years Career and prove your manager skills. Create a Virtual Pro or choose a real existing player from your favorite team and experience Be a Pro mode in a whole new dimension. Making a closer look to our key features, we are very pleased to confirm the following content in CRLP v1.2:
• All 18 Liga 1 Bergenbier teams and all 12 Divizia Nationala teams are fully licensed, containing:
– Up to date rosters (July 11th – Liga 1 ; March 1st – Divizia Nationala)
– Home, Away and 3rd kits (11/12 for Steaua, Otelul, Rapid, Ceahlaul and Concordia)
– High-Quality Logos
– Top notch mini’s
– Over 70 detailed player faces
– Real Club Budgets
– Accurate player skills
– Real player heights, weights and birthdays
– Custom Team Tactics
• Romanian and Moldavian Leagues and Cups featured in both Manager Mode and Tournament Mode
NOTE: If you start your first Manager Mode Season with Otelul Galati or Steaua Bucuresti, you will have to fight for the first trophy of the season, in the brand new (2011) Romanian SuperCup Final. Win it, and get a morale boost for your players, because a very difficult season awaits them all.
• Specific “Liga 1 Bergenbier” romanian referees, stadium adboards, team flags, scoreboards, sponsors, official balls, newspapers and more
• Correct leagues format (11/12) and updated rosters for the most powerful championships in Europe
• A lot of new free agent players, including over 50 young ones and several international superstars
• FIFA Club World Cup featured in your Manager Mode Career
• Be a Pro compatible (Liga 1 Only)
• Revamped Romanian National Team
• Many other additions and touches to the game
• Small, fast, easy to use and beautiful looking patch installer
Media Section
Known Bugs
Unfortunately we must announce you that our patch still has some bugs, being impossible to fix most of them at this point (EA original bugs or/and Editing Tools limitations)
• CRLP v1.2 still crashes in Be a Pro when playing against a very few teams (Sportul Studentesc is one of them)
“Fix” -> Save your career after playing every single match. When you encounter that crash, restart the game and use the Sim function instead of actually playing that match.
• Divizia Nationala is still not Be a Pro compatible, as it was not a high priority for us considering almost nobody is playing in that league, let alone in Be a Pro (To be fixed in v2 probably)
• Do not start a Manager Mode career with “FC Costuleni” (Divizia Nationala), the game will crash when accessing “Team Management” (Cannot be fixed)
• If a team wins both romanian league and cup in the same season, that team will play against itself in the Romanian SuperCup (Cannot be fixed)
• The game still crashes sometimes when trying to search a player by his name, it doesn’t always happen though
“Fix” -> Use the “Detailed” search, it is much better anyway
1) After you have downloaded CRLP 11 Volume 1.2, open the file (CRLP 2011 Volume 1 – v1.2), starting this way the addon Installer.
2) Be sure you select FIFA 11 Folder when asked to browse your main FIFA folder path. For example, if FIFA is installed in “D:/Games/FIFA 11″, select this directory in the Installer box.
(If you have an older version of CRLP, make sure you overwrite the old files when you are asked to)
3) After the installation is complete, FIFA 11 Regenerator, which is included in the package, will load up automatically, starting to analyze the files that must be edited.
4) When this analyzing process is complete, the “GO” button will become Green. To start the files regeneration, just click it for once. You will maybe have to wait a bit, so do not worry if this process takes more than just a few seconds.
5) The regeneration process is now completed, so you can finally start playing CRLP v1.2.
5) When you start FIFA for the first after installing this patch, choose to “Create New Settings” in order to access all the patch features. Otherwise, you will encounter many game errors and crashes.
6) Go to “My Fifa -> Edit -> Edit Squads -> Reset Squads”
7) Enjoy the first authentic Romanian League patch for FIFA Next-Gen !
You have 2 ways of uninstalling CRLP v1.2:
1) Open the “Uninstaller” file, located in your main FIFA 11 Folder, click “OK” and wait a few seconds untill the process is completed. After that, go to your FIFA 11 Kit (DVD/Image) Game folder, and copy the “data” folder in your FIFA 11/Game folder.
2) Open the 1.6 patch regenerator, located in your FIFA 11/Game folder, and after the “GO” button becomes Green, click on the grey box which tells you something like “Take care of edited files …”, click it for once, and it should show you now “Ignore the edited files …”, then press “GO” button one time, and after the regeneration process is completed, FIFA 11 will then ignore CRLP v1.2, without removing any patch files.
FIFA-Infinity Team:
• virtual_razvan – Database, kits, minikits, adboards and GUI
• Damien – Database and Fonts
• mihai20cm – Kits and Menu Design
• The-Clau – Kits, minikits and balls
• alex_10_arshavin – Faces
• Lck – Team Flags and minikits
• alex_10 – Boots
• Merdiso – Software engineer and Video artist
• ANBSeth – DigiSport ScoreBoard
• silver – Faces
• Mogolos – Kits
! Special Thanks to Rinaldo for his amazing FIFA Master 11 Series and many thanks to iard68 for his FIFA 11 Regenerator !
Razvane hai cu sansa aia ca nu mai pot,ma uit din 5 in 5 minute sa vad daca a aparut patch-ul 😀
apare seara asta?? super!!!!!!!!
Razvane, problema crash-ului in manager mode dupa doi ani este din cauza FIFA World Club Cup. Ia scoate competitia si fa cateva teste, sa vezi. Bafta in continuare si hai cu 2.0!
si eu la fel ma uit din 10 in 10 min sa vad daca a aparut patchul doamne ajuta sa apara pana la 00:00 😀 bafta si sper sal postati in seara asta! oricum daca nu apare azi ,maine apare sigur sunt ff sigur!
apare odata?
ati zis ca apare la 22.43. cand apare???????????
Faza cu 22:43 nu era scrisa de unul din membrii echipei.
adi,ai pus intrebarea,acum asteapta, crezi ca ei se uita ca noi din 5 in 5 minute sa vada daca a mai postat vreunu?si eu sunt nerabdator sa joc dar acum asta e…astept
Sa apara odata ca imd mor:)):))
aaaa dar pana la urma cand apare ca nu-mi raspunde nimeni
@adi: nu mai apare :))
am doar 10 ani si sunt nerebdator nu vreau sa-i bat la cap da si voi sunteti nerabdatori
eee nu mai apare
Pana la ora 24 mai este, pana atunci sigur apare.
Razvan pana la ora 24 mai este o ora si pana atuncia ma plictisesc:)):)),haideti odata:P:P va rog:)
mersi razvan
bai nene sunteti culmea..a zis omul ca pana la 00:00 apare ce mai vreti..daca nu va zicea, va gandeati ca o as mai asteptati pana maine si v-ati fi impacat cu gandul, deci…
Patch-ul va fi postat foarte curand, fiti cu ochii in 4.
Suntem cu ochii in patru de cateva ore nu ne mai intarata :))
Am si eu o intrebare ai putea cumva pune la acest patch sa poti juca in Europa League sau Champions League la Be a pro ?
suntem cu ochii ihn 6 nu in 4:))
Esti pe naiba, daca erai comentai la v2 acum, nu la v1.2 =))
:))))..decat sa ne certam puneti-l si voi pe site..:))
de unde downloadez?