FIFA 11 PC | FIFA Config Addon FIXED

Give an apology to all people who suddenly to be “beta tester” for the first version ! Now, this FIXED version works pernamently.

As promised, FIFA CONFIG ADDON by MONKEYDRAGON for those who CAN NOT START FIFACONFIG.EXE released today. You can set KEYBOARD and GRAPHIC SETTING, exactly the same as fifaconfig.exe. Enjoy to be “WE ARE 11″

+ Support setting for fifaconfig.exe
+ Support keyboard setting
+ ESC changable
+ Backup/Restore data
* For Windows Vista/7 user, please set RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR .
– Install to any folder
– Click on CONFIG ADDON icon on desktop to launch.
======HOW TO USE
1) Launch TOOL
2) Backup data first
3) Choose setting
4) Once SETTING SAVED, you can exit TOOL
are at X:\Documents\FIFA 11\


Report Missing File !

Author: MonkeyDragon

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14 years ago

I can change the setting in the software but when i want to play the games using the setting i configured…it stopped at the loading screen which with kaka wallpaper (the 1st wallpaper) and as normal error to close the program…can u fix this? ty.

14 years ago

Thanks, but is it possible to have the “push down the right stick” key configured? It’s really frustrating that the only dribbles and celebrations in be a pro mode that I haven’t done is the ones that involve that key

14 years ago

Plz the worst problem for keyboard users is to access in the game at options where we can select manual PASS and Manual CHANGE….. can you implement that options?

thanks in advance.

14 years ago

No man !

14 years ago

my buttonDataSetup.ini file is empty!
how can i fix this problem?

14 years ago


I can change the setting in the software but when i want to play the games using the setting i configured…it stopped at the loading screen which with kaka wallpaper (the 1st wallpaper) and as normal error to close the program…can u fix this? ty.

thats because buttonDataSeupt is empty
check your buttonDataSetup.ini in the document folder
it should be empty

14 years ago is empty…how do i make it full?…i typed the setting in the software and saved it but no change in the buttonDataSetup…ty

14 years ago

thank you
it all works fine now

14 years ago

Thank you very much….

14 years ago

and I have the same problem….I can change the setting in the software but when i want to play the games using the setting i configured…it stopped at the loading screen which with kaka wallpaper (the 1st wallpaper) and as normal error to close the program…can u fix this? ty…help me

14 years ago


and I have the same problem….I can change the setting in the software but when i want to play the games using the setting i configured…it stopped at the loading screen which with kaka wallpaper (the 1st wallpaper) and as normal error to close the program…can u fix this? ty…help me

14 years ago

must be installed exactly where the settings file … or buttonDataSetup.ini matter where in time?

must be installed exactly where the settings file … or buttonDataSetup.ini matter where? commands that were removed before and is not saved with new orders … pls help me

14 years ago

how to change the reception of the ball

14 years ago

hye anthony and problem..
i exactly have the same problem with u guys which it stopped during kaka wallpaper.. so how do you fix that problem?

i hope u can help me.. ty

14 years ago

do you have a tool to edit players stats

14 years ago

I have set resolution to full hd (1920 x 1080 cuz i have full hd tv), render quality to high and MSAA to 4x… i wanna know if this is the best i can get, i mean, there is any way i can improve ever further the quality??

14 years ago

“how to change the reception of the ball”
Same problem for me too.Anyone knows how to change that?

14 years ago

hey….i have another problem…When i play in manager mode,and i go in team management…the game stops and i get the error…I haven’t had this error before….but now it stops every time i try to go to team menagement/….anyone knows what’s the problem? thanks

Karan verma
14 years ago


I can change the setting in the software but when i want to play the games using the setting i configured…it stopped at the loading screen which with kaka wallpaper (the 1st wallpaper) and as normal error to close the program…can u fix this? ty.

14 years ago

doesnt work!! 🙁
i followed ur instructions carefully…but none of the changes i made in the app are actually taking place when i play the game!

14 years ago

thank you guys for this addon fix i can play with keyboard with no problem at ll !!but is ther anyway i can configure USb gamepad on this addon fix i knw the next fifa 12 is not comin out for sumtime n i really wan to play fifa 11 with full experience with my gpad

14 years ago

THIS PROGRAM WILL NOT FIX THE ESC PROBLEM,THE PERSON WITH THE USER NAME problem….”thats because buttonDataSeupt is empty
check your buttonDataSetup.ini in the document folder
it should be empty” that really makes sense???? fuck wits

14 years ago

i want to play it with the controllers on my pc
what can i do ???
and fifa2011 config don’t work
plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help

13 years ago

I cant on the game anymore after this it says insert disk and retry

13 years ago

my fifa configuration doesn’t work. Dialogue box as
“the application failed to initialise properly (0xc0000135). Click on to terminate the application”. Pleaseee help me!!!

13 years ago

man…its great but……its for keyboards…could u try 4 controller???

13 years ago

my game is working but fifaconfig is not working what is the reason can u help me? tell whether any of the drivers or software to be installed is missing?

13 years ago

Same problem as above posted. When I enter keys into config and save the file. The saved file has an empty section after the “keyboard” bit. And so when I run the game, I can’t go ahead of the main screen because of it. Why is this happening? The config is so simple, enter keys in and press “save” and yet it’s failing like this. Any idea why?

10 years ago

new link please