I’ve rendered the minifaces for 18989 players using the player capture system created by EA, game is using this for created players and homegrown talents. The minifaces are matching the player in-game appearance. I’ve used the squadfile from 5th Feb 2021, so you won’t find minifaces for icons, managers and volta characters.
For easier use I’ve splited the minifaces between 3 categories:
1. All (18989 minifaces) – all minifaces that I’ve generated
2. Players that doesnt have one (2916 minifaces) – minifaces for players that doesn’t have a miniface (replacement for all gray silhouettes)
3. Clubs – Miniface segregated by club, so if you need only minifaces for FC Barcelona players then download the FC Barcelona folder. The minifaces for players in non-playable clubs are in “NotFound” folder.
FIFA 21 Live Editor
How to install:
1. Unzip archive
2. Move the LiveEditorMods folder to root game directory
3. Run the game & Live Editor